Step into the mystical world of J.J. Michael, a captivating author and spiritual coach based in Washington, D.C. With profound expertise as an intuitive numerologist, tarot card reader, and Chios Master Teacher and Healer, J.J. weaves a tapestry of wisdom and insight that transforms lives.

As an ordained priestess of the Order of Melchizedek and the visionary CEO of Path to Truth Press, J.J. is dedicated to promoting spiritual awareness and self-transformation through her publishing company. Her extensive knowledge and spiritual prowess have been featured on CNN and numerous local radio and T.V. stations, making her a sought-after voice in the realm of spiritual growth.

J.J. holds a B.A. from Howard University and an MLS from the University of Maryland, underpinning her spiritual work with a solid academic foundation. As the founder of the Conscious Being group, she nurtures a vibrant community committed to spiritual development and collective growth.

A proud member of the International Thriller Writers, Inc., the Builders of Adytum, and the Washington, D.C., Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta, J.J. Michael exemplifies the fusion of spirituality and personal achievement. Her journey is a testament to the power of spiritual discovery and personal transformation.

Dive deeper into her world and explore her books on the following pages.